I know you have made plans to do many things this in the New Year. Let me encourage you to make plans to attend something that will change your life this year. Please mark April 12-15 for women and April 19-22 for men and plan to be with us for the spring Lake Country Higher Ground Climbs.
If you are like me you need your spiritual batteries charged regularly. Church attendance is great and necessary, but there is something extra special about getting together with like-minded Christians to study, pray, worship and share struggles. I have been to several, at least one climb at each location, and have come away better prepared serve Christ and the church each time. If your home church is struggling and lacks enthusiasm, come and bring church friends with you. Higher Ground has had a tremendous effect on the church of Christ in Point, where I worship, is a different gathering of people because of Higher Ground. We have seen an increase in baptisms, attendance, participation in all aspects of worship and re-dedication of service to the Lord. Climbs are designed to strengthen the church and church leaders, but anyone can come. If you are seeking a relationship with Christ and his church you are welcome. Climbs have resulted in several men and women putting their faith in Christ and putting him on in baptism, others renew their commitment and get back on track.
Higher Ground is a great place for fellowship, learning how to cope with life from men and women who have been there, just like you, and overcome. All talks are rooted in God’s Word. There are no professionals leading the Climb, just men and women like you. I hope you will consider attending.
God Bless,
Mike Willis